Number 68 – Mars 2023
Editorial Coordinator : Pr Jean Luc SUDRES
To stay as close as possible to the information of the Psychopathology of Expresion and Art-Therapies practices …
By Pr Laurent SCHMITT, President of SIPE-AT
The revival of SIPE-AT is underway. Participate!
Many art therapists support their patients in this period of intranquility. They encourage their creativity, their imagination and through the relationship thus created help them. It opens a huge therapeutic area with discoveries and original methods of care or self-expression. The Sipe-at is open to these new approaches and wants to be a form of amplification at the international level.
Join us! Express yourself. Tell us about your activity and your original and innovative practices.
1959, the year the SIPE was founded, almost 65 years old. Originally it was the singular art, the art of the “mad”, the art brut. Then came the psychopathology of expression. A modality of creativity influenced by psychic disorders. The book of our honorary president Guy Roux bears witnesses this. You see the illustration below.Then came the notion of mediated therapy with, in relation, the expression of a creative imaginary world. It is nowadays amplified by video expressions or on social networks.
All this is bubbling, it’s excellent. Participate in it with SIPE-AT.

Le Plancher de Jeannot enters the Museum of Art and History of the Hospital Saint-Anne (Paris)

Le plancher de Jeannot bears the name of its author, Jean Crampilh-Broucaret (1939-1972), said « Janot » or « Jeannot », born in Moncaup (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). The floor is accidentally discovered on the occasion of the sale of the farm by his older sister Simone (1925-2014). It was dismantled and acquired by Guy Roux en 1994, neuropsychiatrist in Pau. When his mother dies, in 1971, refusing to allow her to be buried in the village cemetery, the family obtains permission, that she be buried in the house. It was probably in the weeks that followed that Crampilh undertook to engrave the floor of his room near the maternal tomb.
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The 1st French Seminar of University Diploma Courses in Art Therapies
« University Diplomas of Art Therapies in meetings:
Weaving the future… »
September 8, 2023 in Toulouse
Email : &
Coming soon
The USSAP welcomes in Limoux
The 59th SFPE-AT Spring Days
RESISTANCE : Clinical forms, creative forces
Friday and Saturday, June 9 and 10, 2023
Piano Museum, Place du 22 septembre 11300 Limoux

24th Portuguese Congress of Art Therapy
8th Lisbon Meeting with SIPE AT7ème
Luso-Brazilian Art Therapy Meeting
“Art, Health and Education”
21 & 22 Octobre 2023 Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbonne

How To Understand Any Scribble, Drawing Or Painting : Institute of Projective Drawings (Online course by Prof. Dr. Zoltán VASS)

- How to understand pictures as the best experts do.
- The “anatomy” of lines: The key to understanding psychological meaning of any lines in any drawing, scribble, or painting.
- The psychological significance of scribbles: What is the greatest advantage of scribbles to thematic drawings? A unique collection of best methods for scribble techniques and interpretation.
- One of the biggest challenges in assessment: Understanding free and spontaneous drawings and paintings. Why is it the most difficult task for many professionals? How should you approach these?
- The eight types of family drawings and paintings. What are the different techniques? Which one should be applied in which case? What are the hidden meanings they disclose? Emotional and developmental indicators.
- Tree drawings and paintings: classic and new methods. The biggest problem with the Koch Tree Technique. What is the hidden meaning behind the Tree Test?
- The Sixty-Second Drawing Technique (SSDT). A new and original method in adult, child and “baby” versions. How can the most simple drawing interpretation method of the world be so meaningful? Why this is the most popular technique in Hungary?
- Prof. Zoltan Vass, PhD is University Professor of Psychology and Head of the Faculty of the Psychology of Visual Expression, Károli University, Budapest.
- He has published over 20 books and 400 scientific articles in 7 languages.
- His method of Seven-Step Configuration Analysis (SSCA) awarded several scientific prices.
- On SSCA, 7 scientific symposia were organized.
- It has led to the establishment of 3 accredited clinical trainings and a postgraduate faculty with a total of 1622 participants.
- It is taught or referenced in 152 courses in Hungary, Transylvania, Germany, France, Russia, China, Israel etc.

Enchanted family drawing by a 14-year-old boy, sent to the psychology clinic by his school due to his aggressive behavior. The first figure is a purple octopus (his brother). Next: a carnivorous plant (his father), followed by himself as “Swamp Man”. The last figure is his mother, the scarecrow (Vass, 2012)

Left : The subject scribbled over the human figure drawing so hard and so carefully that the figure is barely visible. The scribbling was used purposefully, unlike in the drawing on the right. The subject (male, 26) discharges his tension in an undirected manner. The interpratations of this reaction are low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence in social situations, denial as a defence mechanism, feelings of inadequacy or impulsivity.
“Life with major depression” Photo Exhibition – Budapest Art Brut Gallery
The Deep Air Project was created in 2020 to share information about mental health and mood disorders on social media in a scientific yet accessible way. The project focuses on raising awareness and promoting mental health, but also combats the stigma surrounding people with mental illness. Their presence, online or offline, creates a supportive community where no one is alone with their problems. Their following continues to grow, with over 92,000 followers on Instagram.
In August 2021, they launched a competition entitled “Show what’s inside you”. The exhibition of the images received was hosted by the Budapest Art Brut Gallery in March 2022.

With the help of the pictures they submit, people can show the everyday life and difficulties of people with major depression, thus helping to create a more understanding and supportive social environment. The exhibition also addressed those affected, showing that they are not alone, that many others are struggling with similar problems. Experiencing this helps everyone to feel less isolated.
Mental mapping, creative crossings
The 59th Autumn Days
17-18 November 2023
INHA, 2 rue Vivienne, Paris 75002
“Art therapy : creativity at the service of your daily life !”
Contact : Sandrine Sanchez, Art thérapeute
“Introduction to Art Therapies”
3 Days : 27, 28 and 29 September ; 6, 7 and 8 December 2023 – University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès – Continuing Education Department
Contact : stagescourts@univ-tlse2
“University Diploma Art-Therapies 2023-2025”
Duration 2 academic years : 420 hours in 6 weeks/year + 140 hours of internship with more than 40 speakers. Depending on the initial path (academic, experiential and professional) direct entry into the 2nd year is possible subject to vacancies -University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès Continuing Education Department
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University Diploma in Music Therapy 2023-2024
Duration 1 academic year of 230 hours including 70 hours of practical internship at the rate of 5 times four days per year on site with a dozen speakers. University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès Continuing Education Department
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The benefits of art therapy in the management of stroke patients